Tag Archives: Umberto Giannini

Hair & Skin at Boots-Part II


The rest of the stuff was for my hair:

Curly, Glossy, Fresh hair, anyone?

The Umberto Giannini were 2 for £7.50 (they were around £5  each).

I tried the Glossing mist and didn’t see any major difference but maybe I’m applying too little or too far. Will keep trying.

I’ve also tried the Glam hair Dry Shampoo (saw it in a video from the adorable lollipop 26, link on the sidebar). I does what it says. Cleaned my oily roots without any residue or white powder effect (like unfortunately does the Batiste). So pretty happy with this one.

I haven’t tried the mousse yet. I’m looking for an alternative to the Tressemme that I’ve been using nonstop for more than 4 years now! Will keep you posted on this one also…

Lastly: a new hairdryer

BaByliss dryer with diffuser

I really needed a new one. The cheapy Boots brand one that I had was really ruining my hair mainly I suppose because it could get really hot sometimes.  This one wasn’t that expensive anyway, around 25£. It claims to give high shine from ionic conditioners.

I haven’t really seen any major difference apart from the fact that my hair lasts clean a day  longer ( I’m not sure how can be due to the dryer but I have been using my regular products and this is the only thing that changed…). Also this one doesn’t get really that hot but dries my hair much faster which I guess in the long run means less heat exposure for my hair…

Will see how it goes in a few weeks time…

That’s all!

Have a lovely rest of the day!